
How Technology Has Influenced English Language Learning

Iván Castillo - Student of the Cotocollao Municipal Educational Unit

In itself, all technology has had a significant influence on student learning in these times of pandemic. But in the 90s, the easiest way to learn a language was by playing video games since most of them were in their original language and depending on the countries where the video games were created, the native language was learned. These days it is easier to receive classes since you can find them from the comfort of your home.

English has been one of the pioneers in learning, that is, most of the world knows or has knowledge of the English language, but it is not one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. English ranks second behind Mandarin Chinese and ahead of Spanish. English is considered the universal language for transmitting information to people, as most of the data recently researched by scientists is in the English language.In addition, the use of computers has software in which certain aspects can be modified, but this software meets with English terms.

Today, thanks to technology, we find a large number of applications and pages that can help us with our learning of English:


* Pages and applications

1. VOA Learning English: This page has voice news in English and with subtitles for understanding and grammar and oral exercises.

2. Busuu: this page has more than 1000 exercises posted by teachers who master English to perfection and it also has exercises in which your pronunciation is valued, allowing a better pronunciation. It also has a free application.

3. HiNative: this page and application allows you to learn the language, it also allows you to learn about cultures from all over the world.

4. Duolingo: this page and application allows you to learn and evaluate your level in the English language.

These days it is easier to study the English language from the comfort of your home without having to get up, in the technology market from pages to App for your smartphone there are to be able to learn the English language I hope this information will serve you and you I say to you, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING TO LEARN ENGLISH?"


Anonimo. (s.f.). Eclass. Recuperado el 27 de 02 de 2021, de Eclass: https://blog.eclass.com/como-impacta-la-tecnologia-en-el-aprendizaje-del-ingles

 Chan, D. (s.f.). Versus Media Mexico. Recuperado el 27 de 02 de 2021, de Versus Media Mexico: https://versusmedia.mx/como-influye-la-tecnologia-en-el-aprendizaje-del-ingles/#:~:text=Aprender%20ingl%C3%A9s%20o%20cualquier%20lengua,leamos%2C%20sino%20tambi%C3%A9n%20que%20practiquemos.&text=La%20tecnolog%C3%ADa%20est%C3%A1%20transformando%20la,tambi%

 Zepeda, H. (s.f.). Voz de america. Recuperado el 27 de 02 de 2021, de Voz de america: https://www.vozdeamerica.com/tecnologia-ciencia/cinco-sitios-web-para-aprender-practicar-ingles-gratis

